Our work - Proven solutions for real-world problems.

We believe in efficiency and maximizing our resources to provide the best value to our clients.

Case studies

Rental E-commerce

Technical ownership.

Legacy project to success

We worked with this startup as top engineer talent. We

The team at WindMotion went above and beyond with our onboarding, even finding a way to access the user’s microphone without triggering one of those annoying permission dialogs.

Jenny Wilson, CPO of Phobia

Global Payroll startup


Complex made simple

Worked in the payroll team using React Js, Typescript, Ruby on Rails, Heroku, git, Postgres

Working with WindMotion, we felt more like a partner than a customer. They really resonated with our mission to change the way people convince their parents to cash out their pensions.

Debra Fiscal, CEO of FamilyFund

We approached WindMotion because we loved their past work. They delivered something remarkably similar in record time.

Mail Smirk

You’re in good company

  • Phobia
  • Family Fund
  • Unseal
  • Mail Smirk
  • Home Work
  • Green Life
  • Bright Path
  • North Adventures

Tell us about your project

Our offices

  • Remote
    Fully remote
    ADT (Atlantic Daylight Time) Time zone.
    UTC -3